busk with Us
Are you a musician or performer? Sign up to busk at Portland’s First Buskathon HERE
Frequently Asked Questions
Buskathon is three days of buskers throughout the city. People will vote for their favorite busker, and the top buskers will contend in Busk Off at Director Park on Sunday, April 13th, the fourth and final day of this event.
No! Buskers that are a part of the program will receive a $100 stipend.
Please apply no later than March 17th
We aim to send out notifications no later than the week of March 24th
Yes! Feel free to have a tip jar.
The business will be open while buskers are performing
We will be providing a sign for the buskers indicating that they are part of the Buskathon, the voting platform, as well as marketing, and promotional posters!
We are scheduling buskers for one-hour segments.
Yes! If you are approved to be a busker, there will be a range of times along with locations that you can pick from to participate. Please make sure you are available on April 13th for our Great Busk-Off where the Top 5 Buskers from Buskathon will perform in front of a panel of industry experts for a chance to be Portland’s Favorite Busker and win the $1,000 prize. There will also be a youth prize of $500 for ages 16-25 buskers.
Closer to the event we will have a page located on our website for visitors to vote their favorite busker! There will be signage provided by us with a QR code that will link the voting page and will be located at each venue.
There will be no electricity or sound supplies provided. If you use amplified sound, please ensure you are abiding by the local Noise Variance Policy for buskers. You can find out more about Noise here- https://www.portland.gov/ppd/noise/about-noise-program/title-18-noise-code
As long as it’s a small band, sure! Please be sure to include how many people will be performing in your application.
Ages 16 and older may participate as a busker.